Top Four Weight Loss Pills

1. Proactol

Proactol is our top recommended product because it is a clinically proven and risk-free diet pill. Proactol is 100% made from natural ingredients ( Opuntia ficus-incida) and works superbly as an appetite suppressant and fat binder. According to reports, Proactol is the only natural fat binder which can help you to bind up to 28% of your fat intake.

  • 100% made from natural ingredients
  • Bind up to 28% of fat and calorie intake
  • No known side effects
  • Rated as the most effective appetite suppressant pill
  • Live support 24/7 from their membership area

2. ProshapeRX
New And Promising Diet Pill.

When Hoodia entered the weight loss market, everyone was amazed by how good this African plant is. But with the popularity of Hoodia Gordonii, many retailers were trying to scam everyone by selling fake Hoodia products. In the end, Hoodia lost its popularity and name due to these fake diet pills.

3. Alli

The Most Popular Weight Loss Pill.

Do you know what Alli is? If you have been struggling with your obesity problem, you might have heard something about Alli. This diet pill is the first non-prescription pill which is approved by the FDA. At the moment, there are only two products which have been approved by FDA (Alli and Proactol).

4. Hoodia Gordonii Plus
It Was The Most Popular Weight Loss Pill.

I think you already know what Hoodia Gordonii is. Hoodia was founded 70 years ago in Africa. Originally, Hoodia Gordonii came from Kalahari Desert. This plant is natural and it's clinically proven to work as an appetite suppressant. In fact, Hoodia Gordonii is the best appetite suppressant ingredient. However, some weight loss experts (such as Consumer Lab) have rejected to approve this pill as one of the safe and effective weight loss products even though many people claim that actually Hoodia has worked well for them.

sources: Top Four, Proactol, ProshapeRX, Alli, Hoodia Gordonii Plus

3 yorum  

The National Weight Control Registry

Keys to Weight Loss Success

In 1993, we started the National Weight Control Registry as a way of studying the behaviors of people who successfully lost weight and kept it off. We wanted to see what methods these people had in common, since they could help us discover the best strategies for weight maintenance.

To enroll in the Registry, a person must have maintained at least a 30-pound weight loss for at least a year. However, on average, members of the Registry have lost 67 pounds and kept it off for six years. Those are inspiring figures.

Looking at the data, we haven't seen evidence to confirm the idea that our genes make our destiny when it comes to weight. If people really had a genetic "set point" weight as some argue, why would the average weight of Americans be getting heavier each year? While genes certainly play a role, they don't predetermine what your weight will always be. Instead, they provide a range of weights that are possible depending on your diet and amount of exercise. So you have more control over your weight than you might think.

By looking at the behavior of the 4,200 people in the Registry, we've identified four common characteristics of those who've lost weight and are now keeping it off. These suggestions don't make up a diet program. But if you're looking for ways to keep weight off, adopting these behaviors isn't a bad way to start.

Keys to Weight Loss Success, source:

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Eat a Low-Fat, High-Carbohydrate Diet

Although a lot of people may think of only pasta and bread when they hear the word "carbohydrates," complex carbohydrates are in many foods, not only grains but also in beans and many vegetables. People in the Registry say they get about 56% of their calories from such carbohydrates, and only about 19% of calories from protein. Fat makes up about 25% of their diet. People in the Registry also say they consume 1,300 to 1,400 calories a day on average, but that number is probably lower than what they actually eat.

Remember that a good diet probably isn't one that makes you outlaw certain types of food. Being too strict can make it hard to stick to a healthy eating plan. The problem for most people is not so much that they're eating the wrong things, but that they're eating too much. Moderation is important.

But what about protein diets? People using protein diets can and often do lose weight. The fact is that you can probably lose weight on any of the major diet plans, and Registry members slimmed down employing all sorts of different approaches.

However, what we've found is that people who are successful at maintaining their weight loss eat a low-fat and high-carbohydrate diet. So while a protein diet may be good for losing weight, it may not be the best for long-term weight maintenance.

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Exercise Every Day

Exercise is key to maintaining your weight loss and it's probably more important than diet. On average, people in the Registry exercise between an hour and an hour and a half a day. Yes, that's a lot. But before you despair, it's not as bad as it sounds.

First, many of the people break up their exercise throughout the day instead of doing a single, marathon work-out session. Second, one of the most common methods of exercise is walking, which is easy to incorporate into your day.

If you're just starting out, it's important to begin slowly. Starting too fast can cause pulled muscles and discouragement. Instead, gradually work up to a full hour. Alternatively, you can increase your number of steps. Get a pedometer, or step counter, and record the number of steps you take in an average day. Then slowly increase them.

An hour or an hour and a half every day is a lot of time. But look at it this way: if you could lose weight and keep it off for the rest of your life with just an hour or so of exercise a day, would it be worth it? A lot of people say yes.

2 yorum  

Eat Breakfast Every Day

Although some people try to lose weight by cutting down on the number of meals they eat, that really isn't a good strategy. Skipping meals often just means that you'll be starving later and wind up overeating. Starting the day with breakfast can help prevent that, and on average, members of the Registry eat breakfast every day. A daily breakfast may also be a sign of the discipline that Registry members bring to how they eat. Being careful about when you eat may also help make you conscious of what you eat.

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Keep Track of Your Weight and Eating

This is a behavior shared by weight maintainers that runs against common wisdom. Many people have argued that weighing yourself regularly can put too much emphasis on weight rather than fitness.

We don't know exactly why regular weighing is a common characteristic of people who've been successful at maintaining their weight, but we speculate that people use their scales as an early warning system. People who weigh themselves regularly will notice quickly if they have gained a few pounds and can then implement some strategies to prevent gaining more.

Checking your weight less often can mean that you might wake up one morning and discover that you gained 10 pounds. That can be pretty discouraging, and it might cause you to just give up.

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The Myth of Painless Weight Loss

One thing that people in the Registry tell us again and again is that weight loss and weight maintenance is not easy: it's hard work. Diet programs that advertise easy or painless weight loss and weight maintenance tend to fail in the long run. A lot of the people in the Registry tell us that they only lost their weight after they gave up on the "painless" methods.

The problem for many people is that they work hard at losing weight but then don't have the skills to maintain that weight loss. We've found that the best way to do that is to exercise and eat carefully for the rest of your life.

That may sound tough, and it is. But when we ask people on the Registry, they say losing the weight was worth it, and that it actually got easier over time. Getting to a lower weight has made their lives better, and it can make yours better, too.

1 yorum  

Strength Training for Weight Loss Success

Weight Loss Training
Why Diets Don't Work
If you go "on a diet", what does that mean? That you will eventually go "off the diet". If you haven't changed your eating and physical activity behaviors, what's going to happen? Rationally, you know the answer, but emotionally, you engage in wishful thinking, hoping that this time you will lose the weight and keep it off. What weight are we talking about? When people tell me they lost 12 pounds in two weeks, I ask "12 pounds of what?" On low-calorie diets, about 25 percent of the weight loss may be muscle (Ballor & Polehlman 1994).

Losing muscle is a bad thing. Muscle tissue is very active--it burns a lot of calories. Every pound of muscle burns about 35 calories per day, just staying alive. Using the above example, if you lost 12 pounds, then, you lost three pounds of muscle. You would be burning 105 less calories per day or 3150 per month. Since there are 3500 calories in a pound of fat, you would gain almost one pound of fat per month just from the muscle mass that you lost!
Weight Loss Training
Why The Middle-Aged Spread Keeps Spreading
Inactive adults lose around one-half pound of muscle per year, or five pounds per decade. Since most people continue to eat as much as usual, what's going to happen? If you take in more calories then you burn, the extra calories get stored as fat. Fat is less dense then muscle---a pound of fat takes up more room than a pound of muscle. This means that as you lose muscle and gain fat, your weight might remain the same over the years, but your waistline will continue to expand!

Rev Up Your Metabolism--The Key to Permanent Weight Loss
How can we lose and keep off extra fat? You need to increase your resting metabolic rate (RMR), which is the pace your body burns calories at rest. Your RMR is closely linked to the amount of muscle you have--remember, muscle burns more calories than fat. Adding muscle will raise your RMR and will greatly increase the chance that the weight loss (more accurately fat loss) will be maintained.

Weight Loss Alexandria VirginiaStrength Training Versus Aerobic Exercise
Contrary to what many people think, strength training is as important, maybe more important to successful fat loss than aerobic exercise. The reason lies in the amount of calories that are burned when you aren't exercising. Depending on the intensity and your weight, an aerobic workout (walking, cycling, stairstepping) will burn approximately 300 calories per hour. If the exercise is strenuous enough (which is unlikely in the beginning exerciser) the RMR will be elevated temporarily up to a few hours afterwards. Compare this to strength training which elevates the RMR permanently. The RMR accounts for 60 to 75 percent of your daily calorie expenditure, so even a modest increase will help burn off more fat.

One study (Campbell 1994) found that a three-month basic strength-training program resulted in the subjects gaining three pound of muscle and losing four pounds of fat, while eating 370 more calories per day (a 15 percent calorie increase). Remember, aerobic exercise generally doesn't increase muscle tissue. In fact, excessive amount of aerobic exercise combined with a low-calorie diet can cause the loss of some muscle tissue. This is not to say that overweight individuals shouldn't do aerobic exercise--it offers many health benefits and is a part of a weight loss program. It's just that aerobic exercise by itself may not be the best solution for permanent weight (fat) loss.

Don't think that you need to workout in a gym for two hours to strength train. Significant gains can be made with a consistent 30-minute workout performed 2 -3 times per week. This could be your key to successful weight control!


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Possible Causes of Rapid Weight Loss

Rapid Weight Loss

This is a very simple way for rapid weight loss without having to spend a lot of money for a professional trainer to tell you what your diet is. Now, I am not saying that rapid fat loss programs are bad because they are not. There are a few weight loss, killer ab workout, and negative calorie diet programs that are amazing, but I will get to those in a bit. First I am going to show you the simple way to lose weight fast quickly.

You need to get a notebook and a pen before you sleep and start counting calories when you wake up. Make sure that you start on what you would consider a normal eating day for yourself. If you go out to dinner on Friday Nights then don't start on a Friday. Count how many calories you ate and drank for breakfast that morning. Write it down in your notebook. If you need to know how many calories are in something like an apple or an orange then just look it up online. Most other food and drink items should have their calorie count on them.

Rapid Weight Loss

Count all the calories that you consume during the day, not only meals. If you have a snack between breakfast and lunch make sure to include it in your calorie count.

For lunch just make sure that you remember to write down how many calories you took in and the same for dinner. Again, most food and drink will have the calories listed right on the package that is why you should do this first step on a normal day and not a day where you plan on going out to dinner.

This next step is simple. Add up all of the calories you ate and drank that day and simply cut that number by 500. If your total calorie intake for that day was 3000 then you should only eat 2500 calories each day for fat loss.

Another simple way for rapid weight loss is to boost up your metabolism. You can do this by spreading your calories out between 5 or 6 small meals instead of the regular large 3 meals which are breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Now you will need to do some exercise. You cannot depend solely on what you eat to help you lose body fat fast. The best way to lose weight is to run, walk or do some type of cardiovascular activity. You could also jump rope if you don't want to run or walk. Doing this 4 – 5 times per week for about 45 minutes per time should be sufficient. If possible, try so weight training. Lifting weights for 2 -3 times a week can help increase you metabolism dramatically.

Tip: Do NOT weigh yourself every day. When you first start the diet only weigh yourself after 1 week of diet. After you realize that you can lose a couple of pounds per week you will be excited. If you weigh yourself everyday you will become discouraged, so don't do it. Hope these tips help you out in your journey to lose weight fast.

2 yorum  

Facts about Diet Pills

Facts about Diet Pills

  • All serious diet or weight loss pills are designed for overweight people suffering from obesity. They are anti-obesity drugs - not pills for fast or easy weight loss.

  • Diet pills, supplements, drugs and other weight loss medications are not going to melt away your fat and solve your weight problem by themselves. Most weight loss trials show that diet pills offer (at best) short term support.
  • When using diet pills, make them part of comprehensive weight-loss program that includes regular exercise and a healthy low-calorie diet. Otherwise instead of losing weight, all you'll lose is money.

  • Beware over-the-counter diet pills, weight loss products and dietary supplements. These weight loss products are NOT regulated, contain active ingredients which have no proven weight loss benefits, and may damage your weight and health.

  • Beware diet pills advertised as "Natural" or "Herbal". Weight loss pills are not necessarily healthier or more effective for weight loss because they contain so-called natural ingredients. Herbal ingredients of diet pills are linked to a wide range of health problems.

  • Beware diet pills called 'fat-burners' when trying to lose weight. The only effective and safe way to directly raise metabolism and burn fat is to increase exercise.

  • If thinking of buying diet pills, always consult your doctor FIRST. Discuss your weight-loss options fully, and ask about all the known side effects and health risks of the diet and weight loss pills suggested.

  • When taking diet pills, ALWAYS follow the manufacturer's instructions.

  • Don't stay on diet pills for more than 4-6 weeks without consulting your doctor.

0 yorum  

Potential Benefits of Diet Pills

Potential Benefits of Diet Pills

Potential Benefits of Diet Pills

Over the short term, weight loss in obese individuals may reduce a number of health risks. Studies looking at the effects of weight-loss medication treatment on obesity-related health risks have found that some diet pills lower blood pressure, blood cholesterol, triglycerides (fats) and decrease insulin resistance (the body's inability to use blood sugar) over the short term. However, long-term studies are needed to determine if diet and weight loss pills can improve health.

Potential Risks of Diet Pills

When considering long-term weight-loss medication treatment for obesity, you should consider the following areas of concern and potential risks.

Abuse of, or dependence on diet pills - Currently, all prescription drugs to treat obesity are controlled substances, meaning doctors need to follow certain restrictions when prescribing weight-loss medications. Although abuse and dependence are not common with non-amphetamine appetite suppressant medications, doctors should be cautious when they prescribe these medications for patients with a history of alcohol or other drug abuse.

Development of tolerance to diet pills - Most studies of weight-loss drugs show that a patient's weight tends to level off after four to six months while still on medication. While some patients and physicians may be concerned that this shows tolerance to the diet pills, the leveling off may mean that the medication has reached its limit of effectiveness. Based on the currently available studies, it is not clear if weight gain with continuing treatment is due to drug tolerance.

0 yorum  

Diet & Weight Loss Pills

Diet & Weight Loss Pills

Appetite Suppressants

Appetite suppressant medications are not "magic bullets," or a one-shot fix. They cannot take the place of improving one's diet and becoming more physically active. The major role of medications appears to be to help a person stay on a healthy diet and exercise plan to lose weight and keep it off.

Side Effects of Diet Pills

Because weight-loss medications are used to treat a condition that affects millions of people, many of whom are basically healthy, their potential for side effects is of great concern. Most side effects of these medications are mild and usually improve with continued treatment. Rarely, serious and even fatal outcomes have been reported.

Two approved appetite suppressant diet pills that affect serotonin release and reuptake have been withdrawn from the market (fenfluramine, dexfenfluramine). Medications that affect catecholamine levels (such as phentermine, diethylpropion, and mazindol) may cause symptoms of sleeplessness, nervousness, and euphoria (feeling of well-being).

Meridia (Sibutramine) diet pills act on both the serotonin and catecholamine systems, but unlike fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine, sibutramine does not cause release of serotonin from cells. The primary known side effects of concern with sibutramine are elevations in blood pressure and pulse, which are usually small but may be significant in some patients. People with poorly controlled high blood pressure, heart disease, irregular heart beat, or history of stroke should not take sibutramine, and all patients taking the medication should have their blood pressure monitored on a regular basis.

Xenical (Orlistat) diet pills have side effects which include: oily spotting, gas with discharge, urgent need to go to the bathroom, oily or fatty stools, an oily discharge, increased number of bowel movements, and inability to control bowel movements. These side effects are generally mild and temporary, but may be worsened by eating foods that are high in fat. Also, because orlistat reduces the absorption of some vitamins, patients should take a multivitamin at least 2 hours before or after taking orlistat.

For more information and advice about prescription-only diet pills, over-the-counter weight loss pills, dietary supplements and active ingredients in fat-burners and herbal diet pills, click the links at the top of the page.

Diet & Weight Loss Pills
Diet and weight loss drugs or pills, whether prescription or over-the-counter weight loss supplements, are only effective when combined with a healthy diet and exercise plan.

0 yorum  

10 Tips for Healthy Eating on the Run

10 Tips for Healthy Eating on the Run

Lack of time is a major reason why many people forego healthy eating. Fast food is readily available and it's just too tempting, and it's cheap and filling. While eating fast food is never as healthy as a well-planned, balanced diet, if you must eat fast food, you can easily take steps to improve the quality of your nutrition when on the run.

  1. Watch portion sizes. Your craving will likely be satisfied after you have finished a small order of fries, and you'll save over 100 calories when compared with the supersized order. The same holds true for sandwiches. Order the regular version or even a kid's meal for yourself.
  1. Seek out deli-style fast food chains where you can order a sub or sandwich on whole wheat bread or a wrap, a lower-fat and lower-calorie option than fried food.
  1. Many fast food chains now offer healthy sides in place of the ubiquitous French fries. Take the healthy option. Or, if you can't bear to give up the grease and salt, get the healthy side order too.
  1. Always order a side salad when eating at traditional fast-food outlets. You will be less likely to fill up on only the unhealthy items, and the salad will provide some fiber and vitamins to balance an otherwise unhealthy meal.
  1. Remember that chicken isn't always a healthy choice. Many fast food chains offer fried breaded chicken sandwiches on white bread that are actually richer in fat and calories than a burger. Grilled chicken is a better option.
  1. Make it a habit to eat a piece of fruit, a bowl of cereal, or some lowfat yogurt before you set out to run errands. Regular eating can help you feel full and avoid temptation.
  1. Stock your car with bottled water and healthy snacks. Have a small snack before the cravings hit, and you're less likely to pull into that drive-through fast food outlet.
  1. Consider a supermarket for your fast food break. You can pick up precut and washed fresh fruit or vegetables, yogurt, or lowfat cheese. Many supermarkets also offer sushi or other healthy prepared items.
  1. Hold the mayo. A tablespoon of regular mayonnaise has almost 100 calories!
  1. Don't add a sugary, calorie-rich drink to an already unhealthy meal. Water is available everywhere and is good for you. Drinking a large glass of water with your meal will help you feel fuller earlier.


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